Academic Curriculum
Primary & Junior School Curriculum:
Students studying in the classes (Preschool – Grade V) are taught a wide range of subjects, including English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Bengali, Religious Studies and Moral Sciences, History, Geography, Physical Education, Art, Music, Dance and Computing Studies. Along with high academic standards, the curriculum involves a lot of non-academic pursuits and is designed such that each individual student can make the best of the wide range of activities available as part of the school curriculum. Art, Dance and Music (any of these) are compulsory for all students and the School encourages students to take up a musical instrument, arranging individual lessons if required. Team spirit is instilled into KASS students from a very young age, be it in the form of classroom activities, performing choruses, acting in dramas at the school events, or through sporting activities. We are following Australian Curriculum for Preschool to Year-5.
Visits to museums, zoos, amusement parks and places of educational interest arranged each term. At the end of the school year, a gala Class Party is organized by students for students, often regarded as the highlight of the year by many pupils. A variety of activities are organized during the holidays, including sporting events and cultural visits.

Senior School Curriculum

Hive Int. School offers an academically demanding yet enjoyable senior curriculum that is critically evaluated every year and updated on the basis of developments of the external boards and as per the internal requirements of the school. Students in Grades VI and VII follow a broad curriculum including the study of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Bengali, History, Geography, Art and Craft, Music, Moral Sciences, Computing and IT, Personal and Social Skills and Bangladesh Studies. A large part of the curriculum involves project and team work, as well as further development of their extracurricular skills and activities.
The Curriculum is now we are following is partially followed by Edexcel Curriculum for few subjects like Math, English Language. We don’t have any student in Grade –VIII this year but the Grade –VII students will be promoted to Grade –VIII in the coming session. Before that it is necessary to set the curriculum.
Preschool- Class-5