Inclusive Facilities
What does Inclusive Education means?
Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the same schools. It means real learning opportunities for groups who have traditionally been excluded – not only children with disabilities, but speakers of minority languages too.
Playing ground:
School Transport:

Student and Parent Counseling

- Assisting parents in understanding the educational needs of their child,
- Providing parents with information about child development,
- Providing support and basic information about a child’s initial placement in special education, and
- Providing parents with contact information about parent support groups, financial assistance resources, and other potential sources of information or support outside the school system.
Computer Lab

The Learning Resource Center (LRC):

Reception/ Customer care unit:
The Customer Service Center provides a central point of contact for customer service questions and provides assistance with unresolved issues pertaining to any unit within the Office of Administration for all members of the school community. This unit cares the admission .....
Wifi facility
There's a WiFi connection throughout the school so anyone can access the internet anywhere, and use it during lessons to supplement the learning. Our entire classrooms feature allows our teachers to use the latest technology in learning experience.
Waiting area
There is an assigned waiting area that is shared for the parents & students. Neither students, nor parents are, allowed to wait in the classroom areas. For the purpose of student safety and school liability, and in order to allow teachers to supervise ...