Special Needs Dpt.
Special Needs Support Service
Special needs provision is a very important aspect of our school. We have a support team which is trained to aid to needs of our children and we pride ourselves on the level of communication and co-operation we gain from parents through these process of separate policies run by KASS school. Special Needs provision is a very important aspect of our school. We have an In-School Support team which is utilized to meet the needs of our children and we pride ourselves on the level of communication and co-operation we gain from parents through this process.
Support Need Teacher
Support need teachers work within each class providing extension and support for all pupils with additional time given also to those pupils who have special educational needs.

When a child is identified as having a special education need, parents are consulted and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up to target their learning. This is a tiered system driven by need we aim to recognize the particular difficulties the child is experiencing and develop strategies to help provide additional time and support . Some children may only need a year or two of this type of intervention.
A child is identified as having special educational needs through the process of continual assessment and liaison between teachers and the Principal. This may be caused by behavioral problems, a deficiency in sight or hearing, physical disablement, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or some other problem which needs identifying. Parents will consult over the child’s needs. Possible school strategies to help will be suggested.